Wednesday, June 19, 2013


      Well, I got my results back from the MCAT.  They were less than satisfactory but I still have a fighting chance at getting into medical school.  So that’s the plan for the next year or so.  Ben also wants to go to business school for a Ph.D, and being the smarty-pants that he is, has the pick of pretty much any school in the entire world.  So now we’re on the lookout for doctor schools for me and smarty-pants business schools for him that are located in the same city, or at least within a few hours of each other.  Complicating this whole deal somewhat are my scores, which as previously mentioned, are somewhere between “abysmal” and “mediocre,” which shuts me out of smarty-pants medical schools.  It’s probably for the best, though.  I think that if I graduated from a place like Harvard Med or Yale Med or Johns Hopkins Med, I’d have my nose in the air to such a height that I’d drown if it rained.  Ben is more modest than I, so graduating from a smarty-pants business school would probably have no effect on the vertical tilt of his nose. 
       Nasal position aside, the plan for the moment is to apply to an osteopathy school, which is something that I’ve been looking into for quite awhile now.  A doctor of osteopathy (D.O.) has the exact same abilities as a medical doctor (M.D.) to write prescriptions, see patients, prescribe treatment, etc.  Additionally, and this is the part that I like a lot, osteopathic physicians receive extra training in holistic patient care, meaning that they are more inclined to check out underlying causes for, say, back pain, rather than just blindly tossing muscle relaxants at it.  They are also trained to do some musculoskeletal adjustment which can also be used in lieu of medication in some cases. 
      I’m looking at a D.O. school in Des Moines pretty hard, as well as others in Philadelphia, Indiana and Chicago to appease Ben in his search for a smarty-pants business school.  I’ll probably also apply to KU Med, since it’s in Kansas, and as a Kansas resident, I should have somewhat of a leg up on the competition.  At least that’s what I’ve heard.

      So that’s the story for now.  I am cautiously optimistic. Guess our summer will be spent on applications and other boring things like that.  We’ll see what happens.  

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