Monday, July 1, 2013

Pride has the best signs

In the wake of the recent SCOTUS-overturning-DOMA party in San Francisco, the annual Pride parade also happened. Evidently it was the biggest parade in the history of the event, probably because DOMA was overturned three days before, and people were lined up outside of the courthouse to get married. There were SO MANY people with “just married” signs and stuff. It was the best. My favorite part was the opener, led by the Dykes on Bikes – a bunch of lesbian women with some seriously noisy Harleys. 

 Also Safety Kurt – the safety supervisor for the parade. He was a very enthusiastic dancer. 

 AND THEN NANCY PELOSI SHOWED UP AND IT WAS AWESOME!!!!! Evidently Michele Bachman said some sort of ridiculous thing about gay marriage, and when asked about it in front of the press, Pelosi was like “Eh, who cares?” which is pretty much the best response anyone could ever give to Michele Bachman.


In other news, BART workers are on strike. So I'm trespassing on the VSer's hospitality so that I can save a 2-hour one-way bus commute across the Bay to get to work. Hopefully both sides get things figured out soon, because it's really inconvenient.  

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