Sunday, September 1, 2013

Gee, thanks, I made it myself!

    When people compliment you on clothes you're wearing that you actually made yourself, what do you say? “Gee, thanks, I like it too!” “Gee, thanks, I made it myself!” “Gee, thanks, it's my favorite!” The first one is like “well duh I like it, I'm wearing it!” The second one is like “Why yessss, I am a person who is obviously digging for compliments” and the third is probably the best way to take a compliment, I guess. Because when you say “Gee, thanks, I made it myself!” then you basically condemn the complimenting person to being like “OMG REALLY YOU ARE SO TALENTED THAT IS AMAZING WOW YOU ARE THE COOLEST PERSON EVER!!!” which is just kind of a weird position to be in. Like on the one hand, yeah, I have some mad sewing skills, and I am proud of them. On the other hand, I'm a Mennonite, and pride is pretty much as bad as one-bun zwiebach on the scale of zero to sin.

    That being said, why thank you, I did make this dress myself, and if I may say so, I'm damn proud of it. I may have actually followed the directions on this one. By which I mean I didn't make any super huge alterations (except for the bust, because again, I am not build like Marilyn Monroe). I did cut it out in a size twelve for some reason. That was stupid. So I had to take a lot in on the bodice. And then the armholes! Gah, the armholes. They wanted you to use bias tape to bind the armholes! BIAS TAPE. Barbarians. So I found another similar pattern, used the armhole facing, modified it slightly, and used that to bind the armholes. Then of course, that created way too much facing on the shoulder strap, which was kind of stupid, so I had to do some kind of creative cut-and-stitch to get it to lie flat.

     But the pattern is great and I love it (I'm currently making another dress out of it). It's a great, cute little A-line that goes pretty well with my Toms or a pair of tights and heels.

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