Not a whole lot of interest has been going on lately. Ben and I finished our engagement photo shoot with Alyssa (it was a two-part thing - partly because I love pictures, partly because of the locations involved, and partly because Alyssa was willing to take loads of photos of us). We went to the Embarcadero and Civic Center for the first half the week before I left for Kansas. We had planned to do the second half the Sunday after I returned, but wouldn’t you know it, the government shut down! So now it’s personal - THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS RUINING MY WEDDING. Whatever. We rescheduled for this past weekend, and everything was fine. We ended up going to Fort Point (which is right underneath that first, weird little arch on the Golden Gate Bridge). It was FREEZING COLD. The fog has come back with a vengeance again, and since we were right on the water, it was even colder than usual. But the fort was very beautiful - old brick, with lots of repeating arches and columns and such. And right under the Golden Gate Bridge, too! So we had a lot of fun (well, I did, anyway - Ben doesn’t understand the concept of “suffering for a photo”). ALSO WE SAW DOLPHINS!!!! Apparently that's a fairly rare thing and they haven't been seen in quite awhile.
My primary application for medical school FINALLY went through. BEST DAY EVER. This whole time, I’ve been like “OH MY GOD WHAT IF I CAN’T GO TO MEDICAL SCHOOL EVER BECAUSE OF THIS STUPID STUDY ABROAD THING THAT I DID ONCE, I’LL NEVER BE A DOCTOR, JUST BECAUSE I WAS TRYING TO HAVE AN INTERESTING LIFE, WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DOOOOOOOOOO?!?!?!!?!” But the application has been verified now, and I’ve gotten two emails from schools that I’ve applied to, being like “Yeah, we got your application, so we’ll look at it to see if you’re interesting enough/diverse enough/smart enough/doctor-y enough to be in our program, and then we might send you a secondary application. But don’t hold your breath.”
My work has been interesting lately. One of my coworkers has been sick for a week, and her mother (whom she cares for) is in fragile health, so she’s been in an out for months now. My other coworker was just reassigned to another department, so lately it’s been just me and my supervisor running the place. And she has to leave early a lot because she’s taking a night class, so in the evenings, it’s just me a lot of the time. I guess it’s good because it shows my bosses that I am a competent individual who can handle things on her own, but it’s also nerve-wracking when this clinic and that clinic are calling me last-minute to schedule interpreters, the interpreting agency is calling me to tell me that they can’t cover assignments, my interpreters are calling in sick, and I still have to recheck all of the schedules for 200+ patients. It can get hectic.
There was also a BART strike. So that was fun. They walked out on Friday, which was nice, I guess, because impact was significantly less than it could have been, but they didn’t get back on the job until early Tuesday morning. So I spent several days riding home with one officemate or another in stop-and-go traffic. It didn’t actually take much more than about 30 minute longer to get home, and I guess it was actually cheaper for me to carpool than take BART, but stop-and-go traffic makes me carsick, finding a carpool buddy is a PAIN, and Ben had to come pick me up from Wherever, East Bay once I’d managed to fight my way across the Bay Bridge. Anyway, the unions realized they were being a huge pain and that if they didn’t voluntarily go off strike, legislation was going to be passed to prevent them from going on strike ever again, and BART management realized that everyone was super pissed and they just needed to fix it and eat the costs.
This weekend is Halloween. I was up late last night making a Hobbes costume out of thrift-store clothes and fabric paint. Ben is going as Calvin. We’ve been planning this costume for months, but it just now occurred to me that the Halloween party we’re attending is this Friday. So… EEP! I have to put a few more stripes on and then I should be done.
And that’s about it, I guess. Like I said. Not a lot going on. My life has become significantly more boring since I got a “real” job and a do real adult things, like staying up late Netflixing “Breaking Bad” while handpainting a tiger costume.
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