Today was a typical Wednesday. Here's
a play-by-play rundown. It probably won't be as exciting as Tim
Tebow's multiple touchdowns, but whatever.
600am – wake up, take a shower, do
morning-related things
630am – discover I can't find the van
630.50 – panic
633am – find the van keys
635am – get the van out of the lot
that our pupusa stand neighbors let us use (they are so nice!), get
on the Interstate
645am – drive on the Interstate.
Manage to not kill self or anyone else.
655am – arrive at Whole Foods in
Berkeley and pick up past-dated cakes and breads for donation
725am – drive on the Interstate.
Manage to not kill self or anyone else.
745am – put away breads and stuff.
Take a nap.
900am – hit 15 minute snooze.
915am – realize that I shouldn't have
hit snooze. Put beans on to soak and cook.
930am – chill out in the kitchen and
put on some Pandora or YouTube music. Cut up onions, dilly-dally
10am – realize that I shouldn't have
dilly-dallied, and that people will want food in an hour. Run around
the kitchen like a crazed maniac, alternating between
washing/peeling/cutting potatoes, cooking spaghetti, sauteeing
onions, stirring beans, putting out cups/plates/forks
1045am – finishing touches on
215pm – clean up the kitchen, wash
dishes, put away food, etc. Reach into drain trap to clear food from
drain. Grimace and squirm and think of gross things. Drain traps
are literally the most disgusting things on the planet, and that's
coming from a CNA in a nursing home. I hate them so much.
230pm – sweep ALL THE THE THINGS
415pm – haul mop bucket upstairs.
Drag hose upstairs and put it in the bucket. Tromp downstairs to
turn the water on. Tromp upstairs to check the level of the water.
Tromp downstairs to shut the water off. Tromp upstairs to mop ALL
THE THINGS on the second level. Doorbell rings 3x, signaling a
resident who wants in. Walk in dirty shoes down recently-mopped and
still-wet stairs. Watch as resident in dirty shoes walks up
recently-mopped and still-wet stairs. Continue mopping.
445pm – hang mop up to dry, knowing
that it will never truly be dry and is a germ-filled bastion of all
things disgusting. Carefully walk down back stairs with heavy,
water-filled mop bucket. Get splashed repeatedly with black mop
water. Rinse out mop bucket and mop-water-splashed arms.
500pm – collapse. Check Facebook.
530pm – start on supper. Get great
ideas about delicious and interesting foods that are not rice and
715pm – clean up, wash dishes, take
out trash, clean up the kitchen. A clean kitchen is a happy kitchen!
800pm – watch a movie with Maria and
Juan. Listen to Maria fall asleep and snore halfway through.
10pm – finish movie, go to my room
and dink around on the Internet.
1130pm – go to bed.
So there you have it. Significantly
less exciting than an ESPN radio announcer's version of Payton
Manning and the Denver Broncos, but if my life were that interesting, I
would have a more disposable income.
6B - I hope you liked the multiple (3!!) sports references contained within.
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