Friday, September 28, 2012

Unruh for president

I'm running for political office. My platform is simple:
  1. Be nice to everyone.
  2. Mind your own business.
  3. Clean up after yourself.
        OMG, but what about trickle-down economics?! What about the healthcare crisis?! But... but... the gays would win!! What do we do when our god needs to be violently defended?! I know, these are all valid points of argument, but seriously, just stop running around in a dither, sit down, and think about it for a second.
         What if we all really were nice to everyone? That would include helping them in a pinch, letting them see a doctor without asking for their papers (the money kind or the legal kind), giving them groceries when they couldn't afford it, not telling them that they couldn't apply for a job because their papers aren't in order, allowing them to go to school without charging them an arm, a leg, and the rest of their lives to pay off their loans. What if that actually happened? Well, in an ideal world, everyone would be better off. If people had an education, access to a job, and money to spend, we would eventually stop having to help them out, thus reducing this so-called “drag” on the economy (which is bullshit, by the way, not to mention incredibly dehumanizing). If we helped them out when they asked for it, maybe they might just turn around and help someone else when they asked, spreading out the “burden” on everyone else (also bullshit/dehumanizing). In my limited experience of life on earth, I have noticed that people just want to be treated with a little dignity, a little respect, to be treated like they're WORTH SOMETHING. What if we actually did that? What sort of crazy world would we live in?
         How about we all mind our own damn business once in awhile? Stop telling people what to do with their resources, their bodies, their love, their lives! Let them think for themselves! Stop snooping, demanding, legalizing/illegalizing (not really a word), outlawing, legislating, giving the run-around. Treat them like you would like to be treated.
         And for heaven's sake, clean up after yourself! If your corporation's oil rig blows up and sends the whole gulf coast into a spiraling shit-storm of a lost ecosystem, clean that up without being asked! If you accidentally drop a napkin in the street, pick it up! If you inadvertently offend someone with words or actions, apologize, so you don't accidentally start WWIII! It has happened, people! Let's just all tend to our own messes, and maybe one day we'll look up and the world will be a nice place to live in.
         Notice I laid out this whole, incredibly complex plan without invoking a deity of any kind. That's another thing that goes with “mind your own damn business.” People are pretty much happy with the god that they have. Quit the door-to-door evangelizing stuff, ok? It's annoying and a waste of your time. Stop drawing foolish cartoons, ok? No one likes to be insulted. Quit telling everyone they're going to hell because they're not part of the three people on earth (or 2 billion *ahem* Christianity) who believe what you do! No one appreciates being told they're going to be barbecue for all eternity simply because of your narrow-minded view of salvation. I'm pretty sure that a lot of wars were begun on the back of religion, a lot of people oppressed (entire cultures, or maybe just a gender or two), and a lot of unnecessary talking-but-not-doing. If you like your religion, that's great, good for you. Keep on doin' what you're doin'. If you don't, maybe you should find people who DO like their religion, and join them! If you think religion is the answer to the world's problems, keep it to yourself. If you think religion is the cause of the world's problems, keep it to yourself.
          So there you have it. I'm pretty sure I'm leaving stuff out, but I think that if we all just adhered to the three principles laid out above, they'll sort themselves out in time.
         Vote for Unruh. Or... don't. I don't care. Just be nice to everyone, mind your own damn business, and clean up after yourself. 

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