Thursday, December 27, 2012


I'M SO EXCITED TO BE HEADING BACK TO KANSAS TOMORROW!!!  Maribel is taking me to the BART station at 445am (what a saint), and then I'll BART down to the airport, where my flight leaves at the comparatively late time of 730am (usually the flights for Kansas leave at 530am).  I've a layover in Denver, and I'll be back in Kansas by 530!!!!!!  Then I'm spending the weekend, Monday, and Tuesday with my family, driving to Bethel with my little sister on Tuesday, and then leaving for Oakland again on the following Monday.  Hopefully I'll be able to catch a bunch of friends before they head off to Europe and Costa Rica for Interterm (if you are one of these people, YOU HAD BETTER COME SEE ME BEFORE YOU GO).  I'm planning on lots of Mojo's dates, lots of swing-dancing with Brian and Nate and Shayne, cold weather and warm houses, open skies, straight roads, and a distinct absence of sirens.
See you all in a few days!!!!

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