Monday, March 4, 2013

Shameless Selfies

Another reasonably uneventful weekend.
Here are some pictures of the kitty that's been hanging around our house lately. He is adorable.  

        My friend Nick (past Catholic Worker and major, major connoisseur of all the restaurants in Berkeley) recommended Brazil Cafe last week, so we decided to give it a try on Friday. Best. Decision. Ever. Ben got the sampler plate and I ordered a sandwich called “Obama's Favorite,” mostly because I want to know what kind of hot brasilian sandwich Obama is into. The highlights of the sandwich included pork and cilantro salsa, which was unbelievably good. The décor of the place was also just great. Lots of points to Nick for the recommendation.   

Rio de Janeiro Jesus.  I want this umbrella. 
Just so you all know, this sandwich is Obama's favorite
Afterwards, we went to Lush Gelato. I chose some mint chocolate chip, which tasted exactly like the mint tea that Mom sometimes made for us, back when we had mint in the garden.
         On Saturday, we went to a Farmer's Market near the Berkeley BART station. It was pretty neat – there was a whole stand devoted to tulips, which are my favorite flower.  

 Unfortunately, since it was a farmer's market and everything is organic and vegan-free and gluten-free and chemical-free, and raised with the same tender loving care as one would devote to an infant, it was INCREDIBLY expensive. So we each bought one stupidly-overpriced thing, and then sat in the nearby park. It was a really nice day – sunny, slight breeze, nice and warm.
And then the fog came in. With a vengeance. Suddenly it was cold and no longer pleasant. So we moved our base of operations to a coffee shop, and then back home once we'd finished our hot drinks and it was too cold to just loiter around. Let me tell you, when the fog comes in, you'd better batten down the hatches and put on your longjohns, because the temperature change is RADICAL. Like Martin-Luther-nails-the-95-theses-to-the-door-of-the-Wittenburg-Church radical.   
         So we went home and took some shameless selfies before I had to go to work.   

I hope those didn't gross you out too much.  

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