Sunday, April 21, 2013

SARAH UNRUH!!!!!!!!!

          The most exciting thing that happened this week is that SARAH UNRUH VISITED FROM MISSOURI!!!! She's one of my friends from college, and Alyssa's roommate. She came to church with Alyssa and then afterwards, we went to hang out in Duboce Park to watch the dogs. I hiked my skirt up to my knees and sat there for an hour. Turns out that was pretty stupid because my winter-white legs couldn't handle all that UV-action, and now my knees are sunburned.
          Later, we met Alyssa at the VS house, and then headed out to a coffeeshop that I liked on Haight Street. Unfortunately, I somehow forgot where it was and walked straight past it. We reached the top of the Haight Street hill and realized that we had probably missed it. So we ate at Squat 'n' Gobble instead. It's a charmingly-named restaurant, but they have pretty good food. While we ate, Jesse and Anna from church stopped by and shared our table.
          After a late lunch, we walked to the Conservatory of the Flowers, where all the poppies were in full bloom. I love poppies. We had to take pictures. It was a lot of fun.

I had to work that afternoon, unfortunately, so I had to leave early. Bummer. But it was really good to see Sarah again, even for just a few hours. If anyone else wants to visit me, I'd love to have you!!

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