Saturday, October 26, 2013

Ghosts Don't Like Lamps

   Halloween isn't until next week, but some of our friends had a party anyway. Getting a jump on things, I guess. Ben and I went as Calvin and Hobbes, since that strip was both of our favorites to read when we were kids.
   I made my Hobbes costume by hand-painting an orange top and jogging pants that I bought at Thrift Town for super cheap. I didn't have a tail because I forgot that tigers have tails until Thursday night, when it was too late to do anything about it. Ben borrowed one of Jonathan's striped red-and-black shirts and we spiked his hair with liberal amounts of Alyssa's hairspray. As it turns out, Ben knows more about hairspray and hair styling than I do!
Angry Calvin face
   The rest of the VS house went as the genie from Aladdin, the Tin Man, Tinkerbell, and some character from Pokemon. 

We left the house planning to catch a couple of buses to get to the party, but when we spotted a nice Oriental rug by the side of the road, I decided that Sara (the genie) had to pose for it. As I snapped the photo, the bus we were planning to take roared up over the hill, headed for the bus stop two blocks away. If you would have been walking through the Lower Haight the other night, you would have seen six people running pell-mell down the sidewalks and catty-corner across intersections, one with ludicrously spiked hair, another in tiger-stripe pants. It would have made a better story if we had caught the bus, but we didn't. So we ended up walking a long time to get to the party.

The photo that cost us a bus ride.
   My favorite costume was either “American Gothic” or my friend Meg, who dressed up as a deviled egg. Most of our young adult friends from church were there as well as a couple of people we'd met at previous gatherings. 
Deviled egg!

Tinkerbell and Miss Euphegenia Doubtfire!

It was a good time, but by 11:30, I was pathetically pooped (too much late-night Netflixing while painting, I guess). I fell asleep on the BART home, and still had to bike a mile and a half back to my house. I slept with my light on because I read some scary ghost stories while at work. That has nothing to do with the rest of the evening, I just thought it was really funny when I woke up and my lamp was still on.

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