QUILT TOP!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been working on it since before I
boarded the train to come out here and it's finally done!!!!
I started cutting out the applique
pieces a couple of days before I was set to leave, stuck them all in
envelopes along with some thread, needles, ribbons, buttons, and
embroidery floss. I cut out enough for twenty blocks, and that
seemed like a ridiculously high number, especially since some of the
blocks had 10 pieces + embroidery. I started working on them on the
train ride out here and finished about half of them, not including
embellishments. A couple of months ago, I finished all of the
applique, and about a month ago, right after I came back from
Christmas, I stitched the last few buttons and beads on.
And finally, after sewing literally all
day, I finished piecing the top! I watched “Star Wars: Return of
the Jedi” while I did so, which may have not been a good idea,
because there were a couple of times when I realized that I had run
out of bobbin thread like 3-5 minutes ago and wasn't actually sewing,
just stabbing the fabric with an impotent needle. Whoops. So here
are some pictures.
One of the blocks - from the Amtrak ride |
Laying out the blocks |
Another close-up |
It is finished. |
Claire, This is lovely! My grandmother made me a sunbonnet Sue quilt when I was little. You are a multi-talented individual and I enjoy your blog.