Monday, October 22, 2012

A fairly average weekend

I had a pretty standard weekend in the city. Nothing incredibly out-of-the-ordinary. Nevertheless, I took a lot of pictures of it. So instead of an incredibly text-heavy post, here are lots of pictures!!!

Friday – 430pm – after conducting an interview for a wanna-be new resident from El Salvador (we accepted her), I hopped on the BART to the city.
 445pm – passed by my future residence.  It used to be an old cotton mill.   I love old brick and glass buildings.
630pm – had a serious craving for greasy pizza, so Ben and I went to Mystic Pizza on Haight. It was delicious and so,so greasy.  On the walk back, we passed a restaurant that was playing the K-State vs. West Virginia game.  Shrieked my allegiance to any Kansas-related sport to the empty street.  
730pm – Darin was visiting Alyssa for the week. It was good to see another Bethelite. We talked about the football team and because I am such a sports expert, I had a lot to say.  We also talked about how stupid it was that the bars were showing the KU football game instead of the K-State one.  Silly Californians.  You can do that when it's basketball season!

Saturday, 11am – Ben and I went to the Haight Urban Air Market on Haight and Fillmore. It was full of people who were like “I made this myself, so I'm going to charge an arm and a leg!” Which, I mean, yeah, is great, but when your clothes are poorly made, that logic doesn't make a lot of sense. I am a clothing construction SNOB, and when I see a serged edge, or a fraying seam, I just can't handle it. I was literally shuddering at some of the booths.
1115am – one of the booths that did NOT make me shudder was this booth, which was selling crochet pants. Yes. They exist. No. I did not make them.
1130am – There were other things for sale too.  I'm pretty sure "make stuff" refers to crocheted toilet-paper roll covers, or maybe macrame potholders, or even little ceramic dishes to hold earrings and car keys.  It certainly doesn't refer to procreation.  There were also wooden ties for sale.  I'm guessing it would be a lot harder to throw your tie over your shoulder to eat soup, but that's ok, because as Marla Krell made it abundantly clear, that's not an acceptable way to behave at a business luncheon. 
12pm – went back to the house, had leftover greasy pizza from the night before, read our respective books, and just chilled out for a few hours while we waited for Nora to come back from running errands so we could go to the Mission with her.
2pm – JUST missed Nora walking out the door. Walked to the Mission to go thrifting for our Halloween costumes. Took pictures along the way.  The Castro district is where the SF gay-pride movement has its roots, so there are a lot of rainbow flags.  The Mission is where a lot of the Hispanics live, so there are a lot of produce stands.  That association doesn't make a lot of sense, but that's how it is.  

230pm – found a pair of used jeans exactly like my current pair of worn-out jeans! For $4 instead of $40! Thrift-town WIN!
300pm – went with Ben to the SF Cosmetology school in the Mission for a $5 haircut. It took an hour, but they did a nice job, and now he doesn't look quite so shaggy.
400pm – sat in Dolores Park and watched people. Got cold. Surreptitiously put on tights in front of 100 people at the park. No one noticed, or if they did, they didn't care.  A lot stranger things have happened at Delores, I'm sure. 
500pm – headed home, made guacamole for supper, watched “Heroes” with Alyssa and Darin while Ben read.

900am – headed to SF Mennonite. Passed the peace and felt really awkward about it. I hate it when everyone is passing the peace to each other and I'm just standing there, with no peace being passed to me! And how do you decide whether or not to hug someone or just fist-bump them! And what if you want to shake their hand and they want to hug? What if you don't know them? Do you still hug them, in the spirit of brotherly love?  Can you chitchat while passing the peace, or is it just "peace-be-with-you-kthanxbye"?  I was just glad when it was over.
11am – headed to Dolores Park with the VSers and past VSers. Met a past VSer (Emily Claassen) from Beatrice, NE, and made Bethel connections, and that was exciting
130pm – took a gander around the Haight/Castro/Mission districts.  

200pm – took a nap in the sun on the comfy couch in the VS house living room while Ben skyped with Gary and Carla
400pm – went to Duboce Park.........
..........and fell in love with a beautiful blue merle Australian Shephard.  Became convinced that the only dog I could ever have would be an Aussie.  
There was also this guy.  He's wearing a full-body zebra suit with blue moonwalking boots.
500pm – fix supper with Ben (white chili and cornbread) and manage not to get into any arguments over proper food preparation (sometimes that is a challenge for us)
700pm – watch “Milk” with the VSers, Darin, and our new friend Dave from church. It's a movie about Harvey Milk, the first openly-gay guy elected to public office in San Francisco It was very good, and an interesting insight into the history of the gay-rights movement in San Francisco. At one point, Wichita came up, and Alyssa and I were like “Woo, Kansas!” Except it was about how Wichita was cramping the style of the gay people and then we were like “ohh......”
940pm – head home via BART and Oakland city bus.

So there you have it. A fairly average weekend, complete with loads of photos! And I guess it was pretty text-heavy, but whatever, you know?

1 comment:

  1. I went to a Beauty School in New York. It was $8 and took four hours. I kid you not. I did get to read 50 shades of gray, so I guess that counts as a win...
